Ru Anderson's High Performance Living Podcast (nutrition)







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Hello and welcome to the HPL podcast - thank you for tuning into this week's show! 

Back at the start of this year, Anna and I decided to do a 3 part series all about improving your eating and lifestyle habits. It was a great success and since then I have become a tad obsessed with behaviour change through habits. 

This led me to find Coach Stevo from Habitry. He is an internationally recognised expert in behaviour change. He's a certified strength and conditioning specialist, has a BA in Philosophy, an MA in Sport Psychology and writes weekly for the 85+ million users of MyFitnessPal. Basically, he knows his stuff when it comes to habits! 

Over the next three weeks we will chatting all things habits, which will truly change the way you think and act on your nutrition. 

Enjoy the show! 

Click here to learn more about the Exceed Nutrition Coaching Programme 

Direct download: Habitry1.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 3:45am EDT

Hello and welcome to episode 111 of our High Performance Living podcast. On this week's show Anna and I are wrapping up our 3 part series on how to create a successful mindset. We've saved the best to last as Anna shares with us the 5 key stages of mindset change. So no matter where you are with changing your eating habits or body, you'll finish this episode with an actionable plan that's right for your current stage of change. Enjoy the show. 

Get your FREE copy of the Look, Feel and Perform Your Best eBook here


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Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 7:58am EDT

Join me and Rachel Holmes on episode 101 of the High Performance Living podcast as we explore her 28 years of experience as a coach in the Fitness Industry. We chat fad diets and gimmick supplements that have come and gone, along with what she believes to be the future of the industry. 

Grab your free seat on the next Starting Fat Loss Workshop here 

Direct download: RachaelHolmes.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 8:24am EDT

You want to look, feel and perform your best, right? We know that taking a good look at our current habits is critical if we want to reach the peak in all areas of our life. Why? Because so often, the things that will support our success levels will be our daily practices. Here are 5 easy steps to creating AWESOME habits, and to swapping the bad ones for good ones.

Download the HPL Habit Cheat Sheet Here 

Download the HPL Habit Tracker Checklist here 

Download the HPL Hand Portion Control Guide here 

Find out more about the HPL Coaching Programme here 

Direct download: habits3.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 8:22am EDT

Depending on who you listen to, or which article you read, ‘habit mastering’ can take anywhere from a single week right up to 3 months to incorporate the new habit into your life.

Based on my own experience of coaching hundreds of people regarding their nutrition and lifestyle habits, the 30 day mark generally sees the success of any habit change as long as the right strategy is used.

Changing a single habit should be easy, yet many people don’t know what feelings or responses to expect. They therefore aren’t prepared to overcome the mental and emotional challenges that are part of the process of implementing any new habit.

That’s because throughout this 30 day time frame, there are 3 distinctive phases that most people will probably go through, which all present their own challenges, emotions and potential roadblocks.

If you aren’t prepared for this, then changing your habits can be difficult and you might even give up as you don’t know how to overcome the problems. In this weeks show we break it all down for you, plus the 10 HPL nutrition cornerstones. 

Get your free seat on the next Starting Fat Loss Workshop here 

Download your free copy of the HPL ebook here 

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Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 5:46am EDT

Welcome to the HPL Podcast! This Habit Mastery series has been created to help you truly understand how important your habits are to a healthy and lean body, while showing you the most essential nutrition habits you should be doing every day. Some people listening to this are just getting started with improving their nutrition, and don't need customisation information just yet, so here we will outline the basics first and leave the individualisation for later. Even those who consider themselves advanced would do well to review the basics first, even if it's just a refresher. In this habit series there is no mention of calories, food logging or complicated training plans - it's all about your habits. But please don't underestimate how effective this can be at changing your body, health and performance. I've been applying these habits to hundreds of clients for years now - testing them, experimenting with them, and modifying them until I had a system that could guarantee results in any client who uses it faithfully. Stick with this system and truly master the 10 HPL nutrition habits, and you too can see great success. 

Get your free copy of the HPL ebook here 

Find out more about the HPL Coaching Programme 

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Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 7:29am EDT

The words ‘detox’ or ‘detoxification’ get thrown around a lot these days but few people really know what these words actually mean.

It’s often a common word used by supplement companies and uneducated trainers to sell someone a supplement range or magic pill. For the majority of people, these are a waste of time and money.

Of course, that's not what we do here.

That’s because many fail to understand the detox system and how it actually works. There is no supplement or secret 'cleanse' that serves as the ‘Holy Grail’ to detoxification of the body.

Detoxification, with reference to human health, refers to your body’s ability to convert - or bio transform - waste products and toxins into non-toxic substances that can be excreted from the body.

The truth is we don’t need any starvation diets, hardcore fasting or expensive supplements in order to detox the body, as our bodies are already equipped with the best detox organs we can get – the liver and kidneys.

So in this week's show, I break down how to really detox your body and the true benefits you can expect from this. 

Click here to find out more about the HPL Coaching Programme 

Get your copy of the HPL paperback book here 

Direct download: Detox.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 10:06am EDT

Welcome my fellow HPL'er to episode 93 of our High Performance Living Podcast. In this week's episode Anna and I are sharing our tips and tricks to help you simplify your nutrition and training, to ensure you have a clear path to reach your goals quicker. If you ever feel overwhelmed or confused about everything you should be doing, then this show is for you. 

Click here to find out more about the HPL Coaching Programme. 

Click here to get your copy of the HPL book

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Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 11:07am EDT

Hello and welcome to episode 91 of the HPL podcast. It's the perfect time of year to break down and take a look at some of the current trending fitness gadgets and technology. These could make the perfect gifts or presents, and there maybe something you never even knew existed and would benefit from too. I chat all things juicers right through to exercise chairs! Enjoy the show! 

Click here to get your copy of the HPL book 

Direct download: Gadgets.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 10:39am EDT

Welcome to episode 90 of the High Performance Living podcast. This week Anna and I are chatting about food to make you feel AWESOME. We will be answering the question, can nutrition make you feel happier. To do this we will touching on some of the latest research and theory behind how our diets can effect our mood, as well as share our most effective strategies for you to implement. Enjoy the show. 

Click here to find out more about the High Performance Living Coaching Programme

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Click here to grab your copy of the HPL book 

Direct download: GoodMoodFood.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 4:05am EDT

Welcome to the High Performance Living Podcast. This week Anna and I will be showing you how to boost your energy and metabolism, along with sharing some of the science as to how it works. 

We talk a lot about the body on the podcast, such as the digestive system, its role and how it works. What we must understand is that all of these components within the body exist to metabolise energy from the nutrients we eat.

Knowledge of the cellular machinery and metabolic pathways responsible for deriving energy from macronutrients once they reach the cells is important for us to understand. By knowing this information and how it all works together, we can really start individualise our diets.

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Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 8:41am EDT

Welcome to episode 84 of the High Performance Living Podcast. If you're a regular listener of the show, then you know Anna and I have our Northern and Southern weather jokes. But no matter where you currently are in the country, it's likely you're feeling the current change in seasons. So we decided to chat about some simple tips and strategies that you can instantly apply that will ensure you stay awesome this Autumn. Enjoy the show! 

Take your High Performance Living to the next level and look, feel and perform your best. Click here to find out more 

Get your copy of the best selling HPL paperback and kindle book by clicking here. 

Direct download: Autumn.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 5:20am EDT

We've seen a number of popular diets come and go in the nutrition industry, but none have quite caused such a fuss like clean eating and flexible dieting. When we quickly compare both these dieting protocols, it's clear they promote two very different eating habits and routines. So which one should you use? What's the pro's and con's to each of them? Anna Marsh and I answer these questions plus much more in this weeks episode. Get your pen and paper ready, and let the rants commence! 

Break free of boring diets and restrictive eating routines and discover a better way to eat, be healthy and enjoy the process >>

Fitpro's - discover the proven and effective nutrition system to use with your clients to get them way better results and to grow your fitness business >>

Direct download: cleaneating.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 10:17am EDT

No matter what your goals are, finding motivation to achieve them isn’t always easy. I spend a lot of time helping people to take those first action steps towards their goals. Many do, but the next challenge is to then keep them motivated long enough to see the desired results.

In this weeks podcast show, Anna and I share our top 20 tips to boost your motivation and achieve your goals.

Click here to learn more about the HPL coaching programme 

Click here to learn more about the Exceed Masterclass for FitPros

Direct download: motivation.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 10:51am EDT

Welcome to the HPL podcast! On this week's show I'm joined by Anna Marsh, and we dive DEEP into the topic of stress. This is a fresh look into what stress really is, the effect it can have on the body and of course how to reduce and eliminate it. 

As Anna mentions in the show, being able to manage stress can really change someone's life. So this is a show not to miss, enjoy! 

Grab the totally free HPL nutrition and training ebook >>

Grab the totally free Elite Coaching ebook >>

Direct download: Stress.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 3:54am EDT

Welcome to the High Performance Living Podcast! This week Anna and I are chatting about our experiences with travelling over the summer. We discuss what we learnt from taking a break and why balance is so important in our High Performance Lifestyles. We also chat why your gym environment is critical to your training success. That's after my recent venture into a commercial gym - it was an eye opener! So enjoy this full fat catch-up! 

Look, feel and perform your best with the HPL coaching programme -

FitPro's: Discover the Exceed Masterclass to boost your knowledge and grow your fitness business -

Find out more about Anna Marsh here -

Get your copy of the HPL book here -

Direct download: balance.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 6:34am EDT

Hey guys – welcome to our HPL podcast. I hope you’re doing AWESOME this week. ON this episode we’re taking a slightly different approach, as this is a real life case study with Dan Reader.

Dan and I have been working closely together for over 18 months now, and he has completely changed his body and lifestyle as a result – he has fully embraced High Performance Living.


So we chat about some of the common problems we can face when making changes to our bodies and lifestyle, and how to over come these. There’s plenty of great take home points in here to inspire and motivate you.


Enjoy! Ru

Get more support, guidance and coaching for your nutrition, training and lifestyle here -->

Find out more about the Exceed Masterclass for FitPro's here -->

Grab your copy of the HPL book here -->


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Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 12:58pm EDT

Welcome my fellow HPL'er to episode 72. I've got an awesome interview for you this week as I'm joined by supplement researcher and expert Kamal Patel from He is deep in the trenches with understanding the latest supplement research, so he's here to show us the truth about supplements. We'll be diving into what supplements actually work, along with what supplements to consider for various goals such as health, performance, fat loss and muscle building. Great show!

Find out more about the HPL coaching programme -

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Find out more about the FitPro nutrition and business course -

Find out more about Examine -

Direct download: Examine.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 4:38am EDT

This week on the High Performance Living Show Anna Marsh and I are getting our geek on. Well, more so Anna, as she takes us through her latest study topic called psychoneuroimmunology. Now don’t feel too lost already – essentially this is peeling back a layer to the information that we regularly cover on the show. That’s the importance of sleep, stress and nutrition on the human body. This week we connect the dots and how it all links to our nervous and immune systems. 

Get more help with your nutrition, training and high performance lifestyle by becoming a member of the HPL coaching programme – find out more here –


Fitness professionals – expand your nutrition knowledge to get better results for clients and grow your coaching business with my FitPro course – find out more here –


 Get your copy of the HPL book here –


 Find out more about Anna Marsh here -


Direct download: PNI.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 8:30am EDT

For this week's High Performance Living podcast I'm joined by the awesome Ben Greenfield. He's an endurance athlete and fellow coach, who totally share the HPL outlook with his nutrition, training and lifestyle. He even hunts his own meat! So we dive into his core values and what he believes it takes to truly live a meaningful life - one in which you are healthy, happy and satisfied. Great show. Enjoy - Ru. 

Get more help with your nutrition, training and lifestyle with my HPL coaching programme -

Grab your copy of the HPL book -

Find out more about Ben Greenfield -

Direct download: bengreenfield.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 10:20am EDT

In this week's High Performance Living show, Anna Marsh and I (Ru Anderson) are helping you take action on all the awesome info from this show to ensure you get the best results from it. I reveal my simple yet effective formula for success in your nutrition and training. If you listen to this show and know you need to take more action on its advice then this is the show for you. 

Join the HPL group coaching community here -

Use code: PODCAST to receive an awesome introductory offer. 

I'll see you on the other side! 

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Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 10:58am EDT

Many of us have acquired bad nutritional habits, and we practise these every single day. By changing our daily daily bad habits for improved and healthy habits, the ‘numbers’ usually take care of themselves and impressive results can be achieved from this alone.

From experience there are a number of good habits that most people could do with forming, and then adhering to, every single day. So in this High Performance Living podcast, Anna Marsh and I dive into the importance of habits and how to ditch the bad ones and supercharge the good ones instead. 

Find out more about the HPL coaching programme here -

Find our more about the Exceed Nutrition Certification course here -

Get your slice of HPL with my brand new book -

Find out more about Anna Marsh here -


Enjoy the show!

Ru Anderson   

Direct download: habits.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 2:12pm EDT

In this week's High Performance Living show, Anna Marsh and I chat about staying on track with your nutrition and training when travelling. We look into our favourite top tips and travel friendly techniques to ensure you stay awesome while jet setting. We also look into how to reduce the dreaded jet lag when doing long haul flights. 

So whether you're planning a week away or are a seasoned traveller, this is a must listen  episode. 

Learn more about my HPL coaching programme here -

Learn more about my nutrition Certification course here -

Grab your copy of the HPL book -

Learn more about Anna Marsh here -

Enjoy the show! 

Ru Anderson

Direct download: travel.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 2:00pm EDT

Dan John is a legend within the health and fitness industry. In this episode he shares many great stories and lessons he's learnt from his years of experience from coaching and being an athlete.

He also shares his core values around nutrition and training, with a focus on why the fundamentals are so important - not just for beginners, but elite athletes too. 

A show not to miss. 

Find out more about Dan John here -

Find out more about Ru Anderson and his coaching programmes here -

Grab a copy of the best selling High Performance Living paperback book -

Direct download: DanJohn.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 1:08pm EDT

In this weeks HPL podcast Anna and I, chat:

- What's going on in the inside of our bodies when ill,

- The best foods to eat when sick and why,

- And weather or not you should be training in the gym.


Get your copy of the HPL book here -

Learn more about Anna Marsh here -

Learn more about the HPL Coaching Programme here -

Learn more about the Exceed Certification here -



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Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 2:47am EDT


A cyclic ketogenic diet, or ‘carb cycling’, is a low carbohydrate diet with planned periods of moderate or high carbohydrate consumption.

This nutrition strategy has become a hot topic over the last number of years.

Carb cycling, like many of the modern protocols, goes against the traditional nutrition and dieting advice.

Tradition tells us that we can only build muscle or lose fat, and never at the same time. This is because we must maintain a calorie deficit to lose fat and a calorie surplus to build muscle.

Then carb cycling came along and was sold to us as an ultimate method for rapid fat loss while building muscle.

Carb cycling therefore goes against the typical advice of fitness professionals and has gained a lot of attention.

So in this week's show, Mike and I chat all things carb cycling and if it is right for you.

Stay up to date with the show and get some more HPL in your life by grabbing my totally free nutrition and training ebook --> 

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Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 8:55am EDT


In this week's show, Anna and I will help you understand the female menstrual cycle, including the effects of nutrition, aging and environmental factors. You'll discover a deeper understanding of how the female menstrual cycle works and a greater knowledge of how your nutrition and training can reflect this. Enjoy! Ru 

Get your copy of the HPL book here -

Learn more about Anna Marsh here -

Learn more about Ru Anderson and his coaching programmes here -


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Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 7:39am EDT

In this week's HPL show Anna and I chat about our own current nutrition and training. We break down our goals and how our diet and training plans reflect these and why. Anna expains why she has stopped tracking her food, and I chat about why my training is all about auto-regulation. There's some important key take home points and learning in here for everyone. 

Download the free HPL ebook here -

Find out more about Anna Marsh here -

Find out more about Ru Anderson and the coaching programmes here -

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Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 7:00am EDT

In this week's HPL podcast, I chat with Anna Marsh about what I discovered from my 2-week meat free challenge. It was a lot more than I expected. We also dive into our experiences with meditation for de-stressing and improving our own personal development on a daily basis. We discuss our step-by-step guide to being successful with it in just 5 minutes a day. 

Get a copy of the HPL book here -

Find out more about Anna Marsh here -

Find out more about the HPL coaching programme and the Certfication course here -


Enjoy, Ru

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Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 11:24am EDT

In this week's High Performance Living podcast episode, Anna Marsh joins me as we chat about all things calorie restriction. We discuss how this can affect our metabolisms, health and what body issues this might cause. If you have been dieting for a long time, or can't quite find the confidence to start eating more, then this is the show for you. 

Get your copy of the HPL book here -

Find out more about Anna Marsh here -

Find out more about Ru Anderson here -



Ru Anderson

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Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 11:51am EDT

Maximise Your Daily Performance with Andrew McBride

I'm joined this week on the High Performance Living show by Andrew McBride. We chat about his system to maximise your daily performance, whether that's in the gym, with your nutrition or even at your daily work or tasks. We also chat why doing less will increase your effectiveness and how to find what you are really good at. 

Find out more about Ru here -

Get your copy of the HPL book here:

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Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 10:31am EDT

In this week's show Anna Marsh and I chat about chasing perfection. In this modern society we have increasing pressures and stress to be perfect at everything we do. That could be chasing the perfect life, job, home and of course diet or workout programme. 

So Anna and I chat about our own experiences with this, and why it may not always be the best thing for us to do. We'll also show you what to focus on instead.

Find out more about Ru Anderson here -

Find out more about Anna Marsh here -

Get the HPL book here -

Direct download: Perfection.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 4:26am EDT

Bodybuilding and Diabetes with Phil Graham

In this week's high performance living show, I'm joined by training and nutrition expert Phil Graham ( from elite muscle radio). He is considered one of the UK's leading coaches and shares his thoughts and experiences with tackling and controlling all types of diabetes. 

Direct download: philgraham.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 6:45am EDT

Plant Based Nutrition with Fraser Bailey

In this week's show I'm joined by Fraser Bailey and we chat everything you need to know about a plant based/vegetarian diet and lifestyle. We look into the various types of plant based/vegetarian diets, there difficulties, why it might be right for you and how to make plant based meals taste awesome. 

The HPL coaching programme is currently open to enrol, you can grab one of the limited spaces here -

Direct download: FraserBailey.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 1:00am EDT

In this week's show Ru and Anna chat everything you need to know about workout nutrition. They cover their recommendations and guidelines to pre, during and post workout nutrition and supplementation. 

Find out more about the HPL coaching programme here

Find out more about Anna Marsh here -

Direct download: workoutnutrition.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 6:36am EDT

Is Accountability Your Missing Factor with Steve Parke

In this episode of the HPL podcast I'm joined by fellow coach Steve Parke to chat why he feels accountability could be your missing factor to success with your training and nutrition. 

He shows us his accountable pattern for success, along with his action steps to apply straight away. 

Enjoy the show. 

Find out more about the HPL coaching programme that opens for new members 1st April here -

Direct download: Steve.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 4:18pm EDT

The Fuel Of Life - All About Carbohydrates

In this week's HPL podcast Anna and I chat all things carbohydrates. We discuss the role they have in the body, if you really need them and why. If you've ever been confused about carbs and how they should fit into your diet, then this is a must listen show. 

Grab your complete HPL book here -

Direct download: carbs.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 3:30pm EDT

How To Be Your Most Productive with Jon Goodman

In this week's show I'm joined by fellow coach and author, Jon Goodman. Jon and I chat what it really takes to being our most productive at everything we do. We discuss his key principles to getting sh*t done and doing what we really want in life. This is a true HPL podcast and key learning episode to becoming your best. 


The Exceed Nutrition Certification course is currently open to enrol:


Buy the HPL book here:

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Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 10:09am EDT

Create Your Perfect Training Programme with Jack Lovett

In episode 51 of the HPL podcast I interview strength and conditioning specialist Jack Lovett. We chat the exact programming template he likes to use for his clients for maximum results. 

Get your HPL book here -

Direct download: jackpart2.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 4:28am EDT

Why The Digestive System Is The Missing Link To Incredible Results

In this episode of the HPL podcast, I share with you my recording of a live webinar on digestive & gut health.

You'll learn: 

- A totally unique way to get incredible results for your clients using the power of the digestive system and gut health.

- How the digestive really works and how to optimise it for improved body composition and health.

- The importance of finding and eliminating food allergies and intolerances in your clients.

- How to identify any symptom or repsonse from poor digestive health, and how to resolve this for your clients.

- What supplementation and nutrition protocols can help heal the gut and boost its health.

Learn more about the Exceed Nutrition Certification course here -

Direct download: Digestivehealthpodcast.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 10:21am EDT

Why Performance Matters with Jack Lovett

Ru interviews 2 x Britains Natural Strongest Man and owner of Spartan Performance, Jack Lovett in this weeks episode. They chat the key principles to becoming your best and Jack shares his own experiences in all things training and nutrition. 

Get your copy of the High Performance Living book here -

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Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 10:33am EDT

Get Your Training and Nutrition Priorities Right

In this weeks High Performance Living show, Ru and Anna chat about what they believe every beginner, intermediate and advanced person should be putting as their training and nutrition priorities. This episode will help you gain focus to your goals and cut through the sea of information that can surround us.

The High Performance Living book is also now available via 

Direct download: Prioritypodcast3.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 4:02pm EDT

In this episode of the High Performance Living Podcat, Ru and Anna chat about the role and importance of sleep, giving tips on how to get the perfect night's sleep for better performance and health.

Direct download: SleepPodcast.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 8:07am EDT

Ru & Anna chat about the their views, research and experience with 'Detox' diets and how and when they should be used. 

They chat: 

- what is a detox diet 

- why you should detox 

- symptoms of toxicity 

- how a real detox works 

- nutritional needs for a successful detox

- supplements needs for a successful detox 

- their perfect detox system 

Direct download: AnnaJanuary.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 9:58am EDT

Ru Anderson & Anna Marsh wrap up 2014 with this end of year episode. In this show they chat their biggest 'ah-ha' moments of the year, including business, training, nutrition and lifestyle. 

Direct download: AnnaNewYear.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

Ru and Anna chat about eating great food and staying at your best throughout the Christmas season. They also suggest their ideal Christmas gifts to buy your fellow High Performance friends and family. 

Direct download: AnnaMarsh.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 10:58am EDT

Ru Anderson is joined by Jonny Watson from Propane Fitness in this weeks podcast episode. Jonny is a national level powerlifter so needless to say they chat about getting brutally strong. In this show, Jonny reveals his system on how to get stronger and smash through your personal bests. 

Direct download: JonnyWatson.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 10:09am EDT

This week on the podcast I’m joined by Anna Marsh to chat:

- Optimising body fat levels for peak performance 

- Nutrition programming for young athletes 

- Creatine supplementation for muscle & strength gains

- Explosive training for maximum results in the gym 


Direct download: FullfatQA.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 11:47am EDT

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a professional athlete?

Or perhaps the cover model to the top fitness magazines such as Men’s health or Muscle and Fitness…?

And even what it might be like to be sponsored by one of the leading supplement companies and whisked all over the world to showcase your unique talents?

Yeah, me too.

So this week on the podcast I interviewed Ryan Terry, who is that guy.

Not only is he a great athlete and living the dream, he’s a top bloke too.

In this episode we chat:

- Why goal setting has been so important to his success

- What it really takes to be a professional athlete

- How improving his nutrition transformed his physique

- Ryan’s peaking strategies & techniques to look his best

- Ryan’s training template and key principles to gaining muscle & strength

- and loads more

This is your chance to get top level information from one of the best athletes in the UK.

You’ll also get a laugh or two along the way.


Direct download: Terry.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 9:11am EDT

I’m joined this week by Anna Marsh for a listener Q&A podcast on all things High Performance Living.

We chat:

- Understanding the nervous system and how that can work for and against us

- Heart rate monitoring for enhancing recovery from training 

- Body part split training Vs full body training 

- 5 simple yet effective techniques to get stronger 

- How to use training and nutrition to maximise testosterone levels naturally

Direct download: ScreenFlow.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 5:07pm EDT

This week on the podcast I’m joined by Gen Gordon, a director of Tactic Counsel (

We chat about business within the health and fitness industry, something that’s new on the HPL podcast and a topic that I’ve never previously talked about.

Gen specialises in brand marketing for coaches and athletes, as well as sports sponsorships. So if you’re a trainer or coach working in this industry, this is a must listen podcast.

We chat:

- The key aspects to consider when starting your own fitness business

- The fundamentals to creating a brand and identity in the industry 

- Why identifying your core values is essential

- How to create sustainability in a busy and competitive industry 

- The benefits to gaining sponsorship and what this really means

Full fat show and one not to miss.


Direct download: Podcast_GEN_.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 1:36pm EDT

This week on the HPL Podcast I’m joined by fellow nutritionist Anna Marsh to answer

your questions.


We chat:


- Balancing your meals for maximum performance


- Do we really have body fat set points


- Understanding your hormones for optimal fat burning


- The real benefits of having a ‘re-feed’ day when dieting


- Does intermittent fasting work for females


- Maintaining muscle and strength while endurance training


- Does DNA testing really work and why


Direct download: Podcast36.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 9:39am EDT

This week I have yet another special interview podcast.

It’s with one of the UK leading strength and conditioning coaches, Andy Mckenzie.

Andy’s expertise is founded on his impressive military background, his broad experience as an elite S&C coach, and his outstanding performance as an athlete.

​He lives and trains by his I AM philosophy.

In 2012, Andy brought together all of his skills and knowledge to create The Training Lab – one of the most ambitious gym projects in the UK.

And now, you can experience IronMac’s methods for yourself:

In this podcast we chat:

{+} why chasing performance is a key factor to changing your physique

{+} the importance of mobility in your training routine

​{+} the negative consequences of ‘transformation’ diets and protocols

{+} Andy’s core values when training his clients

{+} Andy’s exact coaching process to eating right

{+} the importance of coaching and its responsibilities

Direct download: andy_mckenzie.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 6:44am EDT

I got a great question this week…

‘Ru, should I start running to burn more fat?’

My answer:


Of course, I had to explain myself a little bit more than that…

And I wanted to share the exact reasons as to why I know running sucks and how it can actually make you look worse for you efforts.

Yup, tis true. Honest.

I explain all on this weeks podcast with Anna Marsh.

We also chat:

{+} why your body type shows you important information on how to train and eat right for you.

{+} the benefits to buying local organic and free range foods vs supermarket mass market produce

{+} why we should all be constantly learning and being better at what we do

{+} how to boost testosterone naturally and safely for building muscle and staying healthy

It’s a full fat show, and one not to be missed.


Direct download: Podcast_34.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 5:05am EDT

It’s here, finally ready for your listening pleasure.


My latest HPL podcast with Layne Norton.


And if you don’t currently know who Layne is, you should.


This is a must listen podcast, no question about it.


This is the information that everyone should be focusing on,

learning more about and putting into ACTION.


In it, Layne and I chat:


{+} Layne’s personal journey with nutrition and training


{+} achieving the ‘champion’ mindset for success


{+} setting effective goals for awesome results


{+} why hardcore diets are failing you


{+} clean eating Vs flexible dieting


{+} getting lean with ice cream, popcorn and pizza


{+} the importance of reverse dieting (the diet after the diet)


{+} much, much more

Direct download: Podcast32.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 5:02am EDT

This weeks podcast is simply awesome.

I’m joined by fellow nutritionist Alex Ferentinos to chat shop.

If you don’t know Alex, then you are about to be enlightened…

Alex’s growing reputation has lead him to become a leading authority in the world of nutrition and training.

He’s also a cool, down to earth and VERY knowledgeable guy.

The best bit, we seem to agree on most things.

So when we bashed heads and recorded this exclusive interview, we covered some great topics that you don’t want to miss out on.

We chat:

{+} The secret ingredient to optimal health

(+} Why the nutrition basics are SO important

{+} Long-term nutrition success strategies to great eating

{+} The most forgotten component to getting insane results from your training

{+} Why the ‘go hard or go home’ mantra is holding you back

{+} Our favourite recipes & snacks

Direct download: 31.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 3:31pm EDT

Matt & Keris from Fitter Food join Ru Anderson to discuss all things nutrition, health and lifestyle. 

Direct download: Podcast_FitterFood.mp4
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 3:22am EDT

In episode 28 of the HPL Podcast, Chris and I answer your questions:

- Should I be training differently for fat loss, and if so what?

- Is it best to keep carbs low on non-training days or skip all together?

- Whats your view on the low FODMAP diet?

- What’s your favourite nutrition routine for someone training fasted in the AM?

Direct download: Podcast_28.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 8:13am EDT

Chris and I reveal the 7 deadly mistakes you make when improving your nutrition...

Direct download: Podcast27.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 9:14am EDT

In episode 26 of the HPL Podcast Chris and I talk:

-understanding eating disorders,

-improving relationship with food,

-smoking and weight gain,

-foods for the Summer Festival Season.

Direct download: Podcast_26.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 10:04am EDT

Chis and I talk everything you need to know about Paleo diets and how they work...

Direct download: Podcast_23.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 4:10am EDT

This week Chris and I are joind by the Naked Deli Team to chat all things good nutrition...

Direct download: Podacst_22.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 6:45am EDT

My one and only competition this year is being held over on the podcast this week – so tune in and find out how to enter.


This week Chris and I dive into some great topics:
- Setting up your own business and why
- Body fat spot reduction
- High vs low intensity training
- How and why to avoid counting calories 

Direct download: Podcast_Episode_21.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 5:35am EDT

In this episode me and Chris talk about Creatine and the importance of Reverse Dieting.

Direct download: The_HPL_Podcatst_-_Episode_20.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 10:04am EDT

Bodybuilding with John Meadows

This week I am joined by Mr Mountain Dog himself, John Meadows. We have an awesome chat about all things training and nutrition, including workout nutrition protocols and structuring your training routine for maximum results.

Direct download: johnmeadowspodcast.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 2:55pm EDT

Advanced Workout Nutrition Protocols

Join Ru as he looks into what got him into weight training from a young age - it may come as no surprise it was all because of the ladies. He also answers what his perfect pre, during and post workout nutrition protocol is. 

Direct download: podcast18.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 2:47pm EDT

In this episode Chris and I talk Adrenal Fatigue and how to reduce it, we also cover a full Detox protocol and the benefits you can see from following it...tune in.

Direct download: Podcast_16.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 6:45am EDT

In this episode I meet up with Rik, GB Paralympic Coach to discus the world of strength and conditioning.

Direct download: Episode_15.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 9:55am EDT

World Powerlifting Champion Tania George

In this episode Ru speaks with World Powerlifting Champion and coach Tania George of Olympic Gym. They talk in depth about competitive training and nutrition, and why every female should learn to lift heavy weights in the gym. 

Direct download: Podcast_14.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 11:49am EDT

Building More Muscle & Strength

For the first time ever, Ru & Chris dive into their thoughts and learning’s about training to improve body composition and health. 

Direct download: podcast13.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 6:13am EDT

Awesome new podcast as Ru is joined by a special new co host. They also answer listener questions and cover the much debated topic of eating fruit for optimal body composition. Enjoy!

Direct download: podcast12.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 4:09pm EDT

In this episode Ru talks with Paul George who is a gym owner, world powerlifting and bodybuilding champion. Needless to say, there is loads to talk about. 

Direct download: podcast11.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 3:49pm EDT

Ru and Si go into the details of nutrition and training for the female menstrual cycle. 

Direct download: podcast10.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 8:07am EDT

Join Ru & Si for their first ever guest interview podcast with nutrition and gut health experts Cliffe and Marta from Wilde Performance. In this episode they look at the digestive system and how to resolve the key problems to leaky gut. 

Direct download: podcast9.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 7:26am EDT

How Many Meals Do You Really Need

In this episode Ru & Si dive into how many meals you should be eating and why. They also cover the benefits of balancing the pH levels of the body and how you can do this. Plus they cover all this weeks listener questions. 

Direct download: Podcast8.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 7:16am EDT

Complete Guide To Intermittent Fasting

In this episode Ru & Si dive straight into listener questions about intermittent fasting. Learn the various IF protocols, when to use then, who they are for and the benefits of doing so. 

Direct download: podcast7.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 5:15am EDT

Contest Prep Essentials

In this Episode Ru & Si look into crazy dreams, contest prep, intermittent fasting and carb back loading.

Direct download: podcast6.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 4:10am EDT

The Modern Superfoods & Essential Supplements

In this episode Ru & Si look into the modern superfoods, essential supplements and the facts you need to know about cholesterol. Time to get your learn on. 

Direct download: podcast5.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 4:58am EDT

Should You Be Flexible Dieting

In this episode Ru and Simon cover the micro nutrients, flexibile dieting and nutrition & training requirements for different body types. 

Direct download: Podcast4.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 5:23am EDT

This episode beats the BS - get ready for a new approach to nutrition. In this episode Ru & Simon discuss the the key macro nutrients (protein, carbs, fat) and their thoughts and suggestions on each of them. Enjoy.

Direct download: Podcast3.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 12:00am EDT

In this episode Ru Anderson and co host Simon Herbert discuss the 10 essential guidelines you should have in place when embarking on improved nutrition habits. A must listen.

Direct download: POdcast2.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 6:41am EDT

This is the very first HPL podcast. Find out more about Ru Anderson and his co host Simon Herbert, the reason for the show and the future content to be discussed. Learn the essential nutrition cornerstones to optimal body composition and health. Enjoy. 

Direct download: Podcast1_Final.mp3
Category:Nutrition -- posted at: 6:01am EDT